Conversations That Connect: Effective Communication Strategies For Lovers – 3 Month Program


How negative communication is hurting your marriage and how you can turn that around by improving your communication, leaving negativity behind, and eliciting a positive connection.

  • Do you spend more time arguing with your partner than connecting?

  • Are you questioning what has happened to the passion you used to share?

  • Is lack of communication and unresolved issues in your relationship threatening to destroy your bond of love?

You deserve better!  Extraordinary Relationship Happiness is possible!


To get there, you both need to:

  • Embrace a total commitment to transforming your relationship by leaving your ego behind, letting go of the need for control, and welcoming in a new level of closeness through conversations.

  • Allow space for more pleasure in your lives by focusing your energy and intention away from negativity, stonewalling, and criticism and into creating positivity, connection, and intimacy.

  • Get a clear vision of how your communication is now, how you want it to be, what’s been stopping you, and how to get there.

No matter if. . .

  • You are newly in a relationship and struggling to communicate or have been together for years and fighting all the time;

  • You are busy professionals wondering how to balance the time and energy needed for communication in your relationship or are retired and have too much time on your hands;

  • You don’t know how to get out of the negative communication spiral you have fallen into and fear your relationship might be over;

I understand your fears, struggles, hesitations.   You’re in the right place!

I know you are tired of struggling and want to recapture and develop the intimate, happy relationship of your dreams.

You have tried on your own to dissolve the entanglements, communicate civilly  and release the negativity. Yet, the transition back to good positive communication is hard, and you’re exhausted and feeling as if your energy is being wasted on trying to save your relationship. You feel spent instead of passionately in love. Every day leaves you wondering: “Where did our love go?

I’m Dr. Ada Gonzalez, a Relationship expert who has successfully worked with thousands of couples over 30+ years. Together we can rescue your struggling relationship. My success is evident in the fact that at least eighty percent of couples who work the complete program with me, turn their relationship around.

My clients report greater satisfaction, less stress, and more pleasure. I work with couples, online and face-to-face.  Fixing communication issues is usually the first step needed for couples to turn their relationship around and develop an extraordinarily happy love life.

As a heart-connection doctor, I help couples transform their relationship. I’m on a mission to eradicate negativity and conflict from relationships and keep alive the spark of connection and intimacy.


How I know I can help you?

I have extraordinary training and experience

I have an MA in Developmental Psychology, post-graduate training as a Marriage and Family Therapist, and my PhD is in Interdisciplinary Studies, with emphasis on coaching, change, and dialogue. 

I’m committed to helping couples learn to communicate in positive loving ways that eliminates constant arguing, allowing for connection so that passion and intimacy increase. Effective communication fosters a commitment to trust so power struggles and fear stop.

I use methods rooted in human development, and psychology. I share proven techniques from the field of marriage and relationship therapy and coaching as well as from the new field of brain neuropsychology. 

After building a strong and happy relationship my husband and I enjoy, I love to support my clients to transform their own relationships into one of clear communication, loving connection, and faithful commitment. The first step is to develop effective communication habits.

It took me a failed marriage to understand couples even better.

For 27 years I was in a very joyless marriage where the only plus side were my two children. Being a relationship expert already I tried everything I thought I knew to make things better. No matter how hard I tried, nothing worked!

I could help others, but I didn’t seem to be able to help myself. Until I realized that in a relationship, both people needed to be willing to commit to showing up, owning your own issues, and growing up together. My ex-husband was not willing to do that. Therefore, I finally recognized I needed to leave our relationship.

It was not easy to feel I had fail at what I was an expert in. Yet, fast forward several years to what are the best years of my life. I met a wonderful man who was committed to us showing up, owning up, and growing up together.

We have been married for more than 10 years now and our communication, connection, and joy only gets better each year. Choosing total commitment and trust, open communication and intimacy, and making connection and passion a priority in our relationship has made a world of difference.

You get to experience the result!

That’s how my From Bickering to Understanding: Effective Communication Strategies For Lovers was born. Now that I have found how an extraordinary love relationship is possible by combining my knowledge, training, and years of working with couples with my personal experience, I want to share it with the world!

Dare to dream again!

The most common complaint I hear from couples is some variation of "we have communication issues."  If this is true for you, here is your opportunity to learn how to have the kind of conversations that will end constant bickering, help you solve or dissolve conflicts and rekindle your passion and joy.  This is a unique coaching package that can save and transform your relationship.

I teach the basic knowledge and practical skills that can help you rewrite your love story. Having the right mindset and attitude is the foundation of any happy relationship. Clients that were stuck thinking that a happy relationship wasn’t even an option for them anymore, after going through the program have now much better communication which has lead to a happier relationship. 

  • This program is for you if you can’t envision you and your partner getting along and being happy, are currently so busy that you hardly talk to each other, or take time for fun and sex anymore.

  • This program is for you if you are just starting the path of a committed relationship and want to make sure it endures the test of time.

  • This program is for you if your relationship has morphed into something that feels like on the best days you are living with a roommate that is practically a stranger and on the worst days as if you are living with the enemy!

How is the Transformative Conversations for Couples Program different?

Boost your confidence

Learning to talk to each other in a way that helps create a fabulous relationship will create a mind-shift toward positivity. It will also help you focus on what you CAN do to make your relationship better. We’ll work together to empower you for long-lasting relationship happiness and success.

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During the program, I’m your biggest supporter and trusted confidante. I’ll be there to support you as you focus on having more positive conversations. I’ll be your right hand as you discover and practice what style of communication works for you as a couple, and I’ll help you persevere as you practice and develop new communication skills. If you need more personal support than the self-study program, you can upgrade and also include coaching sessions with me every week, or every other week.


Teach you the how

I’ll teach you what I know about communication in relationships and how our brains and attitude help or hinder communication, amazing strategies that have helped thousands of couples. You will learn how it all applies to your specific issues and relationship.


I will be more than a coach to you. While you are implementing this program, I’ll act as your personal trainer and guide. I’ll keep you at the top of my priorities and will be truly invested in your happiness and end goals. We will develop a partnership for success.

This program gives couples the confidence and skills they need to develop the conversations that will lead to a passionate heart connection. 

You will:

  • Bust through the voices in your head saying you’ll never have the kind of relationship you dream of.

  • Maintain a consistent heart connection that is not broken by circumstances.

  • Eradicate your fear of intimacy and learn to share from your heart.

  • Bridge the gap between your dreams and your actions so you don’t get hurt, or waste time and effort in your quest to enjoy an open communication that connects your hearts.

The Transformative Conversations for Couples Program is not your typical coaching program. I’ll show you how you can start focusing on what works and move from negative to positive action from the beginning! Don’t lose another moment! Start today!

You will have:

  1. Positive, close, open effective communication.

  2. The strength and resilience to let go of the type of conversations that haven’t been working and step into what will work so that as a couple you develop the amazing passionate heart connection the two of you were meant to have.

  3. The personal satisfaction that comes from taking responsibility for your own issues instead of complaining and criticizing what the other person is doing wrong or not doing right.

  4. The freedom and simple techniques to develop a healthy emotional life where you both enjoy focusing on developing acceptance, kindness, compassion, and positive action.

  5. Stunningly effective tools to open communication that creates mutual understanding and positivity.

  6. Foolproof ways to develop the trust and the comfort you need to reveal yourself fully, honestly, and directly with your partner.

  7. The specific knowledge to foster open communication and the development of trust, respect, and acceptance.

  8. Complete clarity on how to keep the spark of a loving extraordinary connection over the years.

Here are the Key Features of the program: 

This intensive Effective Communication Program: How to navigate the communication triangle, has 6 modules with information, suggestions, questions, and tips. It has videos, worksheets and infographics. You’ll also have the transcript of the videos. You will gain knowledge and practical skills for having a more open communication, which will result in a closer intimate connection.

Be prepared to explore, practice, and change. In our 6 weeks together, you and your partner will focus intensively on your communication and you will learn to navigate safely the Communication Triangle. Here is a week by week description of what you will learn and practice:


Week 1: Attitude

At the heart of intimacy and joy are the connecting feelings of love, understanding, empathy, and compassion. All of this is impossible without communication. Communication is the lifeblood of intimacy and connection. 

Week 2: Attitude (continuation)

Discover the big toxic four communication and relationship killers. Keep checking your attitude! Keep learning more about how to cultivate the right attitude.

Week 3: Desire

Desire is a longing or a craving for something that brings satisfaction or enjoyment. What are you longing for in your communication? What are you longing for personally? What are you longing for your spouse to experience? What direction are your desires taking you? This week we will focus on how to use the analytical side of the brain to awaken desire and understanding.  

Week  4: Desire (Continuation)

This week we will focus on how to understand, manage, encourage, and nurture emotions.  Emotions are the most powerful element for positive or negative communication. You will learn how to calm yourself in moments of strong negative emotions. Also, how to consciously choose to cultivate a positive desire for communication and a positive relationship.

Week 5: Skills

Skill refers to your ability to communicate directly and clearly, repair relationship ruptures, manage differences, negotiate solutions, and solve problems together. 

Several basic skills live at the core of dialogue, and it’s important to learn and practice these skills. This week we will focus on two of the most difficult ones: Slowing down enough to check assumptions and listening. 

Week 6: Skills (Continuation)

Of the several basic communication skills, this week the focus will be on sharing thoughts and feelings with tact. Sharing in a way that the other will not feel attacked. We will also cover the basic skills for conflict resolution. You will also learn how creating a positive way to give attention and connect can change your communication and your life.

It’s time to commit to a fabulous intimate heart connected love life!

By taking part in this program you will get:

  • Amazing insights and a brand new outlook on your communication when you are willing to show up, own up, and grow up.

  • It’s unlimited! You get access to all the program content, including any future updates of the program.

  • Two live Q & A telephone session, on weeks 2 and 6, where not only questions will be answered, but the first 2 people to ask for live coaching will benefit from "the hot seat" while others with similar issues will also benefit by listening. This alone is worth more than the price of the program.

  • Access to a private Facebook group where you can participate as much or as little as you want. You will get live feedback and interaction with a cohort of other couples who can give you valuable feedback. There you can post questions and comments. Not only will others also share and comment on your questions, but the forum will give you direct access to me and my answers.

  • Training videos with PDF’s of the content of the 6 modules. It includes workbooks with questions, suggestions, and tips.

  • Lifetime access to my Facebook Page (well as long as Facebook is in existence) “JoyfullyUs” where I regularly post valuable tips you can use to keep your relationship always fresh and joyful.


Did you hear bonuses? . . . Yup, I include bonuses with your investment!

During our six weeks together, I go above and beyond for my clients. You will get:

  • A laser focused 45 minutes deep dive session with me so we can assess where you are and make a game plan for the future of your relationship. This call will be scheduled the last week of the program. (Value $500.00)

  • For the group option, two live Q & A group session where not only questions will be answered, but the first 2 people to ask for live coaching will benefit from "the hot seat" while others with similar issues will also benefit by listening. This alone is worth more than the price of the program. (Value $700.00)

What are you waiting for then?

This step-by-step program is only for couples who are serious about creating an extraordinary heart-connected open communication relationship. If you are willing to work on tumbling walls down and obtaining that “forever feeling” of love, you are in the right place. If you are willing to commit to practice open and positive communication, which will prepare you for a lifetime of extraordinary happiness, in only 6 weeks, this is for you!

Remember that I know exactly what it takes to succeed in life and in relationships!

  • I’ve got an MA in educational and developmental psychology.

  • I’m a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist.

  • I have a PhD in interdisciplinary studies with a focus on coaching, dialogue, and change.

I see opportunities for change and growth everywhere I look. My training and experience show that you can learn effective communication skills and turn your relationship into the deep heart connected love you have always dreamt of having!

If you still have questions about the program, schedule right now one of my coveted 30 minutes exploration call to explore where you are and how this program can benefit you.

I can help you quickly learn how to have amazing communication, or you can keep trying on your own deciding to live unhappily together or until you end up in divorce court – it’s up to you!

I’m only one woman, and I believe in giving myself fully. Spots will fill up quickly, and I can’t guarantee how long it will be until there’s room in my program again for more clients.

If you are serious about creating an extraordinary heart-connected love life and willing to go full-steam ahead to communicate in a way that brings a lifetime of happiness in only 6 weeks, the time is now!  

Although you can start the program as soon as you register, the bonus live Q & A group calls date will be sent to you after the program starts. Don't worry, you will get reminders and details about the calls closer to the date.

I’m selective about who I work with. You have to have a winner’s attitude and be willing to work on yourself and your communication! I only make a limited number of spots available for working with me each month, so go ahead, claim yours by scheduling a free call with me, before someone who wants it more grabs it first. When you get to the calendar, choose “Assessment call for couples coaching” and you will be able to schedule your call.