Download the relationship analysis questionnaire!
The #1 mistake I see people make is, they do nothing. They DON’T act. They fail to take action… leading to a deeper crisis, more hurt, more resentment, and a bigger hole to climb out of.
I know! It can be so hard to hold yourself accountable and have a clear vision and plan when it comes to improving your relationship.
Sometimes, fear keeps people from acting.
A marriage crisis is scary, right?
When it feels as if your relationship is teetering on the balance, about to slip away at any time, it's scary to take action… that might tip things the wrong way!
At least, that is what the fear is saying.
The first step in taking action is to become aware of what’s going on.
That’s what the Relationship Analysis Questionnaire will help you do. Take it right away. It’s short and doesn’t take more than a few minutes.