4 Relationship lessons from Halloween


How can Halloween help your relationship?

I usually encourage couples to find ways to apply into their relationship something positive from their daily activities. With Halloween around the corner it makes sense to think about what relationship lessons can be gained from Halloween. Here are a few I came up with. See if you can find others and share them with us.

1.Try something new

One of the reasons children and adults like Halloween is that they get to take on a different identity. That’s what masks and costumes are for. They seem to free people to act differently, to dare, to try new roles. Maybe your relationship could be refreshed by trying different roles, to think “what if. . .” to act as if you were someone else. You might be surprised with what you find out.

2. Participation rocks!

Many people love costume parties. Why? Because everyone is engaged! Everyone participates! When people are engaged in an activity that holds their interest, the effort isn’t their focus. They’ll do whatever it takes. You can raise the level of interest in whatever you want your partner to participate more on by giving more opportunity to participate in all aspects, starting from planning to execution. For example, if you want to take a day trip, instead of one of you planning the whole thing and then inviting the other, plan together, share ideas, look or different things to do and ways to do it.

3. Creativity sparks energy

Children and adults get very excited by the process of coming up with an idea for a costume and by the process of getting it done. When you give people an outlet and purpose for their creativity, they will be creative and come up with awesome ideas. An important part of a healthy relationship is to recognize and nurture creativity in your daily life and in the things you do together.

4. Everybody likes fun!

One of the reasons Halloween is one of the most popular holidays is that it gives people permission to just have fun. Relationships are more positive if you can have fun. Lighten up! Even though a committed relationship is serious business, humor and fun lightens the mood and the burdens.

Remember. . .

You can find ways to refresh your relationship from almost everything. Use your imagination and while you are having fun this Halloween, think about what you can apply to your relationship.

Happy Halloween!

Ada GonzalezComment